Brothers and sisters in Christ,
St James’ Hall will be our centre of worship for the coming months. We want to provide a space that is conducive to worship. For example, the back drop of the altar. Sometimes, a concept and its reality do not coincide. As you can see, the backdrop was meant to suggest a Cross on the mountain with a background shrouded in mist that looks into infinity. However, the reality is different.
Please take note that the tabernacle is at the side. The backdrop is stunning with angels worshipping the Bread of Angels. Angels recognise their Lord and so we ought to as well by keeping noise to a minimum.
We are by no means finished. We still want to add more sacred paintings to help transform St James’ Hall in a spiritual space that provides a sacred ambience needed for a more meaningful worship.
“The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding….” (Neh 2:20a)
So, thank you for your support.
God bless