Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Peace!
Some have asked why provide the possibility of baptism by immersion. According to Canon Law, the Sacrament of Baptism can be done either through immersion or through pouring.
The legal language that describes the celebration of the sacrament actually indicates that the preferred mode of baptism by the Church is through immersion even though Catholics tend to associate immersion as a “Protestant” preference.
It is not. It is our preference too as John 3:23, Matthew 3:16, and Acts 8:38 give conclusive scriptural proof that the original method of baptism was by immersion.
In the past, baptismal fonts were located in the area of the Church called the “narthex”. It is the antechamber before one entered the Church proper. The description of baptism found in St Paul’s writing states that when we are baptised, we enter into the tomb with Jesus so that just as He rose from the dead, we rise with Him. The symbolic action of descending into the waters of the baptismal font reminds us that we are entering the tomb to die in order to rise to new life in Him.
The new baptismal font will have steps leading into the waters of the tomb with corresponding steps rising up to the new life of the Sacraments. The location under the loft gives us a sense that once a person is baptised, as he or she emerges out of the font, the other Sacraments are opened to him or her.
Know what you believe. Believe what you know.
God bless
亲爱的主内弟兄姐妹。 主内平安!