The Cathedral, my spiritual home, my family. | 圣心主教座堂:我们属灵的归宿,我们的家。

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Peace of Christ!

The renovation is gathering pace. The entire roof will be changed from the Cathedral proper to the Annex which houses St James’ Hall. Even St Mary’s Square needs a new canopy. We will instal a big fan that will help to circulate air for better comfort of those spending time with Our Lady.

Our pews have found new homes. If you visit St Anne’s in Alor Gajah, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Krubong and the chapels belonging to the parish of St Paul the Hermit in Bestari Jaya (formerly Batang Berjuntai), you will be greeted by familiar pews, sanctified by your sitting and graced by your praying. We are thankful that they have found new spiritual homes to extend their shelf lives. While waiting for the new pews, we will undertake the changing of tiles. New pews, new tiles. Better praying space.

The sanctuary will be raised so that the congregation at the back can have a better view of the liturgical actions that are taking place at the altar. The stained glass panels which bear the burden of history will be removed and restored. They will have to be housed elsewhere and in their places, we will have a more coherent stained glass panel that highlights the colossal and captivating crucifix the Cathedral has. The new stained glass panel will lend itself to a more unified experience as we will see a group of saints surrounding the Cross, each one animated by the love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

At the entrance of the Cathedral, we will provide the possibility of baptism by immersion by incorporating a baptismal font. It is a powerful symbol that reminds us that once baptised, the other Sacraments are available to the person who rises out of the pool.

Apart from architectural changes, the means of evangelisation that require our attention are the audio-visual systems. We must upgrade the tools of communication so that the message of Christ can be fully appreciated and received.

While change is inevitable, the principle we embrace is the past is not destroyed to build the future. Our effort is to preserve whatever heritage and legacy we have inherited. Mindful of our future needs, we forge ahead respectful of our history.

“Go…, and build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and that I may be glorified, says the LORD.” (Hg 1:8)

Journeying with you and thanking you for your support. 

God bless



亲爱主内兄弟姐妹, 主内平安!

装修工程正在加速进行。 从主教座堂的圣堂正楼到圣雅各伯礼堂的附属建筑的屋顶将被更换,甚至圣母亭也需要更换一个新的顶篷。

为了提供那些想与圣母一起共度时光的人们一个舒适的空间,我们将在圣母亭安装一个大型风扇,以帮助空气流通。 我们圣堂的长椅已经找到了新家。如果您拜访亚罗牙也的圣安纳堂、古鲁蒙的瓜达露佩圣母堂以及位于Bestari Jaya的隐修圣保禄堂,您将会看到这些熟悉的长椅,这些您曾经坐过和富于祈祷恩典的长椅。我们感激它们已经找到了新的属灵家园来延长它们的使用寿命。 在等待新长椅到来的同时,我们将更换地砖。新长椅,新地砖,更好的祈祷空间。

祭台将会被抬高,以便坐在后方的教友们能更好地看到祭台上正在进行中的礼仪。承载着历史的彩绘玻璃将会被拆下并进行修复。它们过后将被安置在别处。而在它们的原本位置上,我们将拥有一个更有连贯性的彩绘玻璃,以突显主教座堂庞大而迷人的十字架。新的彩绘玻璃将带来更加统一的体验,因为我们将看到一群圣人环绕在十字架周围,每一个都因对耶稣圣心的爱而充满活力。 在主教座堂的入口处,我们将设立一个圣洗池以提供浸水式洗礼。这是一个强有力的象征,提醒我们一旦受洗,其他的圣事即可从圣洗池中出来后而获得。



“你们去…. 建造殿宇!我必因此喜悦,并发显光荣──上主说。”(盖1:8)





SHC Parish Office | 圣堂办公室

+607-332 6831  +607-331 5511

Office Hours | 办公时间表

Mon - Fri : 9.00am to 5.00pm (Lunch Break: 1.00-2.00pm)
Sat: 9.00am to 1.00pm  |  Sun: 9.00am to 12.00noon
Closed on Public Holidays

星期一至五:上午九时至下午五时   (午餐:下午一至二时休息 )
星期六:上午九时至下午一时  | 星期日:上午九时至中午十二时

Funeral Coordinator | 丧事联络人

Patrick Tan
+6012-786 7280

Lazarus Room Opening Hours during Funeral Wakes
9:00am to 9:00pm