Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Peace of Christ!
We are by no means quiet. A few events are lined up for the coming weeks. The first event is on 18th May at 5 pm. This is both an announcement and also an appeal. Please note that there will be NO Novena before Mass on that Saturday. It has been cancelled as most of St James’ Hall will be cordoned off for the 5 pm Mass. The simple reason is that the entire Hall will be reserved for the families of the confirmands. Those who have no children attending catechism are encouraged to attend the 7 pm Mass which will be a bilingual celebration.
After Pentecost, there will be two major solemnities to celebrate, namely the Solemnities of Corpus Christi and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our patronal feast.
For Corpus Christi, 12 Stations have been prepared to help us meditate on the most sublime of the Sacraments instituted by Christ for His Church. The posters are placed, 4 at St Mary’s Square, 4 along the Classrooms’ Corridor and 4 in Vincent Hall. Since we have no procession for Corpus Christi, these posters will provide the possibility for a prayerful deepening of our appreciation of the Eucharist that we receive.
A week after Corpus Christi, the Cathedral will celebrate her solemn feast day: Sacred Heart of Jesus. We do not have two venues for preaching and celebrating Masses. Thus, our Triduum will consist of 3 bilingual Masses celebrated on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Friday, right after the Mass of the Solemnity, there will be an evening meal. Do come, pray and enjoy yourselves.
Please take note of these important events that we have lined up for the coming weeks.
“O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.” (Ps 34:3)
God bless
我们无法停歇下来,因为未来几周有好几项活动要进行。第一项活动将于 5 月 18 日下午 5 点举行。这既是一个通告,也是一项呼吁。请注意,该周六弥撒前将没有永援圣母敬礼。由于下午 5 点的弥撒将把圣雅各伯礼堂的大部分区域围起,因此该敬礼将被取消。原因很简单,整个礼堂将保留给领受坚振圣事学生的家人使用。我们鼓励那些没有孩子上要理课的教友参加晚上 7 点的双语弥撒。
为庆祝基督圣体圣血节,我们准备了 12 处的海报以帮助我们默想基督为教会建立的最崇高的圣事。这些海报分别张贴在圣母亭(四张)、课室外的走廊(四张)和文生厅(四张)。由于基督圣体圣血节没有圣体游行,这些海报将提供我们以祈祷方式来加深对所领受的圣体圣事之理解。
基督圣体圣血节一周后,主教座堂将庆祝耶稣圣心节主保瞻礼。由于我们没有可提供两个讲道和举行弥撒的地方,因此,我们三日敬礼的方式将在星期三,四和五,以三台双语弥撒进行。星期五的弥撒结束后,将有共融晚餐。欢迎前来祈祷并享受其中。 请注意我们在未来几周所安排的这几项重要活动。