Dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you for bearing with the inconveniences of the renovation. The moment to close the Adoration Room has arrived. The current Sacristy will be remodelled and it will absorb the present Adoration Room. The enlarged Sacristy will feature proper and necessary changing rooms for the altar servers.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Pentecost is over and we are returning to Ordinary Time. A word of thanks to you all who have helped in managing attendance during the Confirmation Mass. Thank you so much. For Ordinary Time, we begin with the Sunday of the Blessed Trinity followed by Corpus Christi.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Peace of Christ!
We are by no means quiet. A few events are lined up for the coming weeks. The first event is on 18th May at 5 pm. This is both an announcement and also an appeal. Please note that there will be NO Novena before Mass on that Saturday. It has been cancelled as most of St James’ Hall will be cordoned off for the 5 pm Mass. The simple reason is that the entire Hall will be reserved for the families of the confirmands. Those who have no children attending catechism are encouraged to attend the 7 pm Mass which will be a bilingual celebration.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Peace!
Some have asked why provide the possibility of baptism by immersion. According to Canon Law, the Sacrament of Baptism can be done either through immersion or through pouring.
The legal language that describes the celebration of the sacrament actually indicates that the preferred mode of baptism by the Church is through immersion even though Catholics tend to associate immersion as a “Protestant” preference.