Rite of Election for RCIA Candidates | 慕道者甄选礼

Rite of Election will be conducted in our Cathedral on 9th March at the 12.30 Mass.
Since pews will be cordoned off for the 500  participants from the various parishes in the Diocese, we seek our regular parishioner’s cooperation to attend other mass on that date.

甄选礼将于 3 月 9 日(星期日) 在主教座堂 中午 12:30 的弥撒 中举行。
由于来自 甲-柔教区 各堂区的 约 500 位慕道者 将参加这个礼仪,部分座位会被预留给他们。敬请本堂教友 体谅与配合,尽可能选择参与其他时段的弥撒。


SHC Parish Office | 圣堂办公室

Call or WhatsApp +607-332 6831  +607-331 5511  office@shcjb.org

Office Hours | 办公时间表

Mon : 9.00am to 12.00noon
Tue - Sat : 9.00am to 5.00pm (Lunch Break: 12noon to 2pm for an hour)
Sun: 9.00am to 1.00pm
Closed on Public Holidays

周二至周六:上午9点至下午5点(中午12点至下午2点--午餐时间 1个小时)

Funeral Coordinator | 丧事联络人

Patrick Tan
+6012-786 7280

Lazarus Room Opening Hours during Funeral Wakes
9:00am to 9:00pm