Date: 16/9/24 (Monday, M'sia day)
Time: 8.30am (morning mass)
Venue: Majodi Centre, Plentong.
Price per coupon booklet: RM20
Family Day coupons will be sold before and after mass in the coming weeks.
Those interested in setting up food stalls/ perform, please contact the numbers below by 31/7/24:
Food stalls:Janet-012 783 7866
Performance:Arlene-019 7326839
日期:16/9/24 (星期一,马来西亚日)
时间:8.30am (早晨彌撒)
地点:Majodi Centre, Plentong
食物摊位:徐怡丽-019 7908509
表演:李爱云 -012 7655785